CRIME CLOCK 2017-2018
(Updated 07/21/20. See below) The FBI Crime Clock is a list of part 1 crimes reported to police departments across the USA. All police departments in the country send these statistical lists to the FBI. The lists represent the annual ratio of reported crime to fixed time intervals and should not be taken to imply regularity in the commission of crime. This statistics list is the result for 2017 and 2018. Statistics for 2019 will be released sometime in late 2020.
2017 Crime Clock Statistics 2018 Crime Clock Statistics
A Violent Crime occurred every 24.6 seconds 32.5 seconds
One Murder every 30.5 minutes 32.5 minutes
One Rape every 3.9 minutes 3.8 minutes
One Robbery every 1.7 minutes 1.9 minutes
One Aggravated Assault every 39.0 seconds 39.2 seconds
A Property Crime occurred every 4.1 seconds 4.4 seconds
One Burglary every 22.6 seconds 25.7 seconds
One Larceny-Theft every 5.7 seconds 6.1 seconds
One Motor Vehicle Theft every 40.9 seconds 44.2 seconds
To see the 2013 FBI Crime Clock on their website click here.
To see the 2014 FBI Crime Clock on their website click here.
To see the 2015 FBI Crime Clock on their website click here.
To see the 2016 FBI Crime Clock on their website click here.
To see the 2017 FBI Crime Clock on their website click here.
To see the 2018 FBI Crime Clock on their website click here.
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