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Child Internet Safety Tips For Parents From The FBI

Updated 05-20-16

When I was growing up, the new electronic contraption that captured my attention, so mom could have some time and space, was the television. By the time I was 10 years old our one home television was even in color. I learned a lot from TV and still do. My children had the same experience, but by the time they were ten years old, the Internet was beginning to expand rapidly.

Computers are interactive and have overcome the TV as the favorite gadget of children. Today there are numerous computers, some are called smart cellular phones, all with the ability to access the Internet.

There are hand held electronic games, game consoles, desk tops, laptops, minis, tablets and even the new TVs that can interact with the Internet.

Over the years, parents have asked the question of how they can implement Internet Safety while their children surf.

Since computers are in our lives and a necessity at times, it is unreasonable to take computers away from our kids. Although we want to, no one can stand by their side and help with school work and watch what they see on the Internet all the time. All we can do is try to protect them the same as with any other life experiences.

We trust our children to do the right thing, but the problem is that no matter what their age, they often do not understand that they can get themselves into trouble until it is too late.  When the Internet is involved, there are scam artists out there that specialize in exploiting children.

Parents sometimes don’t know all the threats that are out there in the Internet Cloud. The FBI has a PDF printable document titled A Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety. The guide includes information on:

. Definitions of areas your child may surf

. How predators engage in conversation with children

. What signs to look for that tend to show your child is at risk

. What to do if you suspect your child has been contacted by a predator

. An area of frequently asked questions

. And much more

To see the entire guide and to print a PDF copy click on the link above.

Be safe out there For Security Sake!





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