Updated 11-03-2020
In the springtime, we finally get to leave the cabin fever behind and get out to enjoy the warmth. We get to open the windows, let in the fresh air, and allow the smell of fresh flowers to come into the home to brighten our day.
This is also the time of the year to consider Protecting yourself and family with non-lethal self defense and alarm products . The burglar is out more often when it is warm and may find the good weather a reason to invite themselves into your home. I would choose non-leathal products, because when accidental or mistaken identity activation of a self defense product happens, it is not a deadly mistake as with many firearm incidents. Non-lethal weapons, like the Taser®, or stun gun can have better stopping power, than a 9mm handgun and are safer around children.
There is a photo of great art on this page called ” The Cat Burglar” by Will Bullas– I chose it because if you look at the eyes of this cat you can see is a rough – watch out for me look. Study this cool cat, but remember there are real people also called a Cat Burglar out there waiting to rip you off.
If you find anything serious about Cat Burglars on the web, you will learn that they specialize at being stealthy like a cat. In many cases it is much more than that; the Cat Burglar looks for easy ways to get into your home, but he/she also gets a thrill from getting away with crime when the victim is in the home. It doesn’t matter if you are in the back yard pool; sleeping; working on a car in the garage; mowing your lawn; washing your outside windows; warming up your car; or any activity that has you in another area of the home.
Cat Burglars that come in at night sometimes like to sneak into your bedroom, watch you sleep, and take easy to pick items. They take money from a wallet, jewelry, or change left out. Items you may not miss right away, but if you do, you may just think you spent it or misplaced it. This type of burglar may come back and do it again.
Two Cat Burglar cases that easily come to my mind. Both continued victimizing people until caught. One took a team of police officers to set up and catch him in the area with property in his pocket. I was able to close twenty reported cases he did in just one year. While he was in prison, his son took over the family business and continued with a similar method of operation as his father did.
Cat burglars are dangerous. Some only take property, but will react if caught or cornered. With the worst type; he/she takes children or assaults adults and those Cat Burglars are Kidnappers, Rapists, and Murderers.
Protect yourself and your family with anti theft ideas from the Cat Burglar:
Keep a key with you while you are at home and always have the doors locked, even if you are right there. It only takes a second to enter and grab.
Protect yourself and family by having a noisy dog, installing motion sensor alarms, and lights. They can be simple and do not have to be expensive. Learn more.
Keep a Taser®, Stun Gun, and/or Pepper spray handy for home self defense.
Think of Neighborhood Watch. Your local police agency has the most up to date information on how to set one up.
You can’t say it won’t happen to me and you can’t stop living just because there is danger. But you can be smart, prepared, and protect yourself and your family.
Be safe out there!
Zeb Hammonds spent forty years in Law Enforcement that included Crime Scene Investigation, Photography and Videography. He served 30 years full time as a Patrol Officer, Detective, and Street Sergeant. In the last 6 years of full time service he was also in charge of Technology Development within the Manteca, Police Department in California. Many of his stories are from personal experience. www.ForSecuritySake.com is a way to share these stories and to provide products that can help people be more secure and safer in their daily lives.